What do those signs mean?


While some of the directional signage refers to a specific production (as we outlined here), others are more generic. Here are some of the most common generic signs that you’ll see around film sets in British Columbia and what they mean.

Sign Meaning
Circus This is where you’ll find the majority of trucks/rigs needed to make the Hollywood North magic happen. There will be power generators, prop trailers, mobile dressing rooms and more. Usually a circus is easy to spot as most of the vehicles are white. It’s important to note that this is not always where the filming is actually taking place – it may just be the only area close by that can accommodate that many vehicles.
Set/To Set Pretty self explanatory. Depending on the location, it can be confusing where the set actually is. Especially if it is a location that the production doesn’t use often, or if it’s a place such as a forest.
Crew Park This is a designated area for cast and crew members to part their vehicles. The crew park is often in the same place as the circus and can be at a different location than the actual set.
UNIT Arguably the most common use of this sign is for commercials and music videos, but it can also be used as an alternative to the Circus signs.
Background / BG / BG Holding This will point you to an area known as ‘background holding’ which is where background performers (aka extras) will wait in between takes.
CRAFTY / LUNCH These signs are used to direct cast/crew to the craft services/food tents and trucks.
Matrix / L.E.S. / Parallel You may have seen these written on pylons or other equipment at a movie or TV show set. These are not production codes, they are the name of equipment rental companies that provide supplies.

Related article: What’s Filming in British Columbia?